
Welcome to the new blog for Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club. While working on the newsletter for the club we realized that it would be nice to have a way to communicate with club members in a more consistent way that would allow us to get important events and news out to members quickly. Getting information from the blog is easy, sign up to follow the blog and you will receive an email notifying you that something has been posted or just check the blog periodically to see the latest new


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Community Preparedness Day

On September 10, 2011, Community Preparedness Day was held at Westgate Mall in Spartanburg, SC.  Members of the Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club and Spartanburg County Ares enjoyed participating in this community day.  A special thanks to John Crockett, W3KH and Robert Cockman, WD6ELK for ensuring the SCHEART trailer could be displayed.  Members set up radio stations on site and demonstrated voice and cw operations.  A great time was had by all who participated.