
Welcome to the new blog for Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club. While working on the newsletter for the club we realized that it would be nice to have a way to communicate with club members in a more consistent way that would allow us to get important events and news out to members quickly. Getting information from the blog is easy, sign up to follow the blog and you will receive an email notifying you that something has been posted or just check the blog periodically to see the latest new


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Business Meeting, April 7, 2015

The speaker for April will be Mr. Bill Minikiewiz, W4FSV of Breadboard Radio (www.breadboardradio.com).  Mr. Minikiewiz will have a show and tell of his QRP kits and what you can do with less than a watt.  He will have his kits for sell as well.  Looks like a great meeting! Thanks to Bret Phillips, N9LPT for his hard work.